Leading with impact.

Training that ignites leadership growth using well-defined, actionable steps and easy-to-implement tools that dramatically improve retention and results.

Leadership Development Programs

leadership development & coaching

Turning good employees into great leaders

What it takes to be a great leader, and how to get there.

Leadership Development Programs

Leadership Development

We help to develop and hone skills with programs that generate long-lasting results for everyone –  from highly experienced leaders to newly promoted managers.

Foundations of Leadership Program

Foundations of Leadership Program

This proven program helps transform ordinary managers into extraordinary leaders. It develops the key fundamental skills every leader needs to generate passion and productivity on their team.

Leadership Excellence

This course is designed for more experienced managers who are already adept at foundational leadership skills.

It helps the leader focus on their future development needs with 360° feedback and learn a proven process for helping their team also achieve their long-term development objectives.

Leadership Excellence
Customized Leadership Program

Customized Leadership Program

Would your organization like to provide a customized program based on your specific needs and objectives?

We can incorporate many of our topics into a customized program for you. Our proven process for ongoing reinforcement ensures that your course will have long-lasting effectiveness.

You can view our Course Catalog of Topics to select topics to include in your customized program, or we can craft topics from scratch for you.

Customized Employee Retention Program

Has the ‘Great Resignation’ impacted your organization? Are you are looking for ways to better retain your staff?

This program provides tools and resources to help managers learn techniques to better engage and then retain employees. It is customized to provide solutions to your organization’s unique challenges and/or employee engagement survey findings.

Live virtual sessions are provided over 4-6 months with action plans implemented between sessions.

Customized Employee Retention Program

Corporate Professional Development Courses

These professional development courses help those new to leadership as well as seasoned executives who need to improve their skills. Courses can serve as stand-alone training topics or fit into a customized program that fits your unique needs. Courses are delivered to groups of 20-25 onsite and can vary from 1-3 hours each. If you are interested in providing these in a virtual format, please let us know. We’re happy to discuss the best delivery option to achieve the results you need.

Executive & Leadership Development Courses with Online Self-Assessment Profile


Each of the following programs generally range from 2-3 hours to one-half day and include an online self-assessment profile related to the topic.

Program Length: 2 hours
Assessment: Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI®)

One of the key reasons for lack of productivity is interpersonal conflict. It slows down the decision-making process and prevents people from willingly sharing information. It also inhibits the opportunity for synergistic creativity and innovation.

There are five specific methods for dealing with conflict addressed in this program, such as: Competing, Accommodating, Avoiding, Collaborating, and Compromising.

Major Topics:

  • Causes for conflict
  • When to use each conflict mode
  • The challenges of overusing any conflict mode
  • The need for flexibility in response to conflict situations
  • Identifying the needs of the other person
  • Planning the best response to any conflict situation

Each participant in this session receives an individualized Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI®). While each individual can use all the conflict modes, the report will indicate what is their most preferred and least preferred approach. This can provide insight when learning to adapt one’s conflict approach to the needs of any situation.

Program Length: 3 Hours
Assessment: Emotional Intelligence Skills Assessment

Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is the ability to comprehend one’s emotions and manage them effectively. Research shows that people who show high levels of emotional intelligence skills are
stronger leaders, better decision makers, foster better relationships, and increase team efficiency in the workplace. It also suggests that EQ is a more accurate predictor of success at work and in life than the more traditional IQ test.

Major Topics:

  • Discover the major components of emotional intelligence
  • Recognize the behaviors and characteristics of an emotionally intelligent person
  • Identify areas where emotional intelligence skills can be applied
  • Evaluate personal strengths and growth opportunities
  • Generate action steps to improve emotional intelligence and success

Each participant in this course will receive a personalized Emotional Intelligence Skills Assessment.

This instrument measures adult emotional intelligence on five scales: Perceiving, Managing, Decision Making, Achieving, and Influencing.

Program Length: 3 Hours
Assessment: Everything DiSC® Management Profile

We each think, act and are motivated in unique ways. One management approach that worked excellently with one person may yield a different response from someone else. This program utilizes the DiSC® model for understanding behavioral styles to help managers understand themselves and recognize approaches for being most effective with each individual they lead.

The four styles include: Dominance, Influencing, Steadiness, and Conscientious.

An emphasis is placed on the benefit each style brings to the workplace.

Major Topics:

  • How we develop behavioral style tendencies
  • Characteristics of each of the 4 behavioral styles, and the combination patterns
  • Why each style is needed for effective teamwork
  • What to value in the diverse behavioral tendencies of each employee
  • How each style wants to be managed
  • What to emphasize and what to avoid when leading each style
  •  Action Plan for leveraging one’s own style strengths and development opportunities

Each participant in this session receives an individualized Everything DiSC Management Profile to gain insight into their own preferred behavioral style. This profile is also an excellent reference tool to identify the style tendencies of all 15 behavioral style patterns.

Program Length: 2 hours

The events we experience in our “coming of age” years greatly impact our life perspectives and approaches to work. People who have experienced similar events at the same time in their lives will share core values, preferences, attitudes and behaviors. People from different generational cohorts are motivated differently, learn differently and communicate differently.

By learning about these differences, new strategies can be developed to strengthen workplace relationships and productivity.

Major Topics:

  • How to identify the generational groups
  • Workplace attitudes and belief systems of each cohort group
  • The strengths and weaknesses or each generational group
  • Motivating generational groups for the best performance
  • How to interact with each group most effectively
Program Length: 2 Hours
Assessment: VIA Me Strengths Assessment

When people identify and then use their personal character strengths at work, they are happier and more productive. Research shows that using character strengths can help managers become a positive role model to lead others effectively. Using one’s strengths helps to buffer against, manage and overcome problems. It also improves relationships with team members and enhances a sense of personal well-being.

Major Topics:

  • About the different character strengths
  • Benefits each strength brings
  • Why signature strengths matters
  • Ideas for applying signature strengths in various situations
  • Ideas for using secondary strengths
  • Action Planning

Each participant in this session will receive the VIA Me Strengths Assessment to vividly capture and detail one’s signature strengths. This assessment is also an excellent reference tool to identify tips and techniques to use those strengths at work.

Program Length: 2 Hours
Assessment: Time Management Effectiveness Profile

Setting priorities and managing time are vital to enhancing individual and organizational performance. This program provides specific tips and techniques that can be implemented immediately.

Major Topics:

  • Distinguishing what’s Important from what’s Urgent
  • Identifying key priorities
  • Establishing goals
  • Handling interruptions
  • Delegation
  • Developing a personalized Action Plan

This program utilizes the Time Management Effectiveness Profile® to help participants assess their personal time challenges and strengths. The profile also serves as an excellent future reference with suggestions for enhancing time mastery skills.

Program Length: One-Half Day
Assessment: There are several 360-degree feedback assessments, depending on your unique needs

One of the most effective tools for dramatic behavior change is the ability to receive candid 360- degree feedback from those one works with (manager, direct reports, peers and own self assessment).

This program provides that feedback with developmental planning.

Major Topics:

  • Identification of key strengths
  • Identification of key development needs
  • Peer coaching and brainstorming
  • What to say to those who provided feedback
  • Communicating with one’s manager for follow-up
  • Creation of a personalized Development Plan

This program provides a 360 Degree Feedback report to each participant. Respondents can include one’s manager, direct reports, peers and a self-assessment. The topics can be customized to include questions addressing specific topics addressed in a course.

Executive Development Courses without Online Self-Assessment Profile


Each of the following programs generally range from 1-3 hours.

Program Length: 3 Hours

The skill of the interviewer dramatically impacts the organization’s ability to attract the most qualified candidate to a job position. By selecting the right candidate, an organization can increase the likelihood of higher job satisfaction and reduce turnover rates.

A behavioral interview is a series of open-ended questions that helps the interviewer obtain a good picture of a person’s capabilities. Good interviewing skills involve directing candidates to focus on past situations where a specific competency would have been demonstrated.

To be sure that an individual has the capabilities needed to perform a job, it is important to recognize if they have demonstrated these capabilities in the past. A behavioral interview allows the interviewer to gather evidence indicating that the candidate has the critical skills and behavior required for a specific position.

Major Topics:

  • The benefits of behavioral interviewing
  • How to write behavioral questions and probes
  • Identifying what skills are really needed for a position
  • The most effective process for effective interviewing
  • How to prepare and evaluate
  • Legal concerns
Program Length: 1 hour

Effective communication skills are a key ingredient for successfully leading other people. When they are strong, relationships are built with staff members and productivity is enhanced. When they are lacking, they are the primary reason for conflict and dissatisfaction at work.

This course addresses the fundamental skills every manager needs to use on a regular basis to encourage greater productivity and engagement.

Major Topics:

  • The importance of showing appreciation for other’s efforts
  • The most effective way to praise
  • Focusing on specific behavior to enhance understanding
  • Focusing on outcomes desired
  • Using effective questioning techniques to explore ideas
  • Listening effectively to promote understanding
Program Length: 2 hours

This program offers a straightforward, easy-to-follow process designed to improve the way decisions are made to achieve specific goals. Our decisions shape our professional and personal lives. Sadly, decision-making is seldom taught as a skill in its own right.

This session will present a clear process and user-friendly techniques for making smart choices.

Major Topics:

  • How to frame the decision
  • Gathering information
  • Analyzing the information
  • Why bad things happen
  • Making the decision
Program Length: 3 Hours

It’s not easy to address performance problems effectively with employees. Most managers prefer to look the other way. When they do make the effort to address performance issues, however, they don’t know how to do it effectively.

This program provides a 7-step process for addressing performance issues in a way that improves behavior while helping the employee feel empowered to improve. This session typically follows the Communication Skills session.

Major Topics:

  • What employees really want from their jobs
  • How to praise effectively
  • Examining the source of the problem
  • 7 step process for conducting performance discussions
  • Practice exercises
Program Length: 3 Hours

It takes a special skill set to manage and lead others effectively. Managing the performance of one’s staff is one of the most important, critical components for effective management. Yet research shows that most individuals, when first promoted to a management position, feel ill-equipped for doing this. More seasoned managers, when not provided with adequate performance management training, have similar experiences.

This program addresses the performance management cycle, and important management responsibilities to be conducted each step of the way.

Major Topics:

  • The performance management cycle
  • Establishing goals and objectives
  • Conducting progress reviews
  • Communicating the annual performance appraisal

This program can be tailored to incorporate the use of your company’s performance management system and related documents.

Program Length: 2 Hours

The fundamental responsibility of every leader is to help their people to succeed. However, team members will have unique needs from others, and they will also have different needs based upon the task.

This session helps leaders understand when to be directive, and when to be supportive, based on the level of willingness and ability the employee possesses for each task.

Major Topics:

  • How to identify the various development level each employee has for the task
  • Identifying which leadership approach is best for each situation
  • Recognizing each leadership style in action
  • Tips and strategies to use based on specific situational needs


JER HR Group and NexaLearning jointly announce their plans for NexaLearning to join JER HR Group effective immediately. …

JER HR Group and Human Resources Plus jointly announced JER HR Group’s acquisition of Human Resources Plus, Inc. today. Human Resources Plus (HRP) is a HR consulting firm and online HR document provider …

JER HR Group LLC acquires Willis HR LLC, a HR Consulting firm. JER HR Group and Willis HR jointly announce JER HR Group’s acquisition of Willis HR in a private transaction. Willis HR is a leading HR consulting  …

Not sure which program is right for you?


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Philadelphia, PA 19102

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Raleigh, NC 27613

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Fayetteville, AR 72703

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West Des Moines, IA 50265

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Columbia, SC 29201