Learning HUB - JER HR Group


Content, Your Way

Create Your Own | Customize | Buy Off the Shelf

Combine expert training instructors with online delivery for group training sessions.
Learning HUB - JER HR Group


Content, Your Way

Create Your Own | Customize | Buy Off the Shelf

Learning HUB - JER HR Group


Content, Your Way

Create Your Own | Customize | Buy Off the Shelf

Driving Engagement & Retention with Content

Training leaders understand that content is king when it comes to employee engagement and knowledge retention. If employees don’t know, or don’t remember what they’ve learned at the point of need, no one benefits –not the employee, the organization, or the customers.

The global workforce has increasingly become multi-generational, and one that demands continuous reskilling and upskilling. For professionals charged with training, and the learning and development of others, understanding how to deliver content in an effective, impactful way is critical.

JER HR Group can help you identify critical training needs, curate content strategy, deliver courses, and provide the delivery platform of choice.

Collaborative Custom Content Development

Custom Content services include:

  • Alignment of content and delivery with learners’ preferences
  • Tailoring content with business goals to drive impact
  • Custom curriculum development
  • Content and collateral creative development
  • Platform evaluation and delivery for eLearning, blended learning, VILT (virtual instructor-led training) and on-site training
  • Follow-up surveys and evaluations to build a culture of continuous learning

Collaborative Custom Content Development

Custom Content services include:

  • Alignment of content and delivery with learners’ preferences
  • Tailoring content with business goals to drive impact
  • Custom curriculum development
  • Content and collateral creative development
  • Platform evaluation and delivery for eLearning, blended learning, VILT (virtual instructor-led training) and on-site training
  • Follow-up surveys and evaluations to build a culture of continuous learning

How to Evaluate & Use Off the Shelf Digital Training Content

  1. Examine the assessment and engagement metrics for your current training program
    Are employees having success, or are they struggling to understand and apply concepts? You may want to consider courses that offer comprehension evaluations at various intervals to help learners self-evaluate along the way instead of waiting until the end to take a final test. If verification of completion or specific scores are required for regulatory compliance or skills-based certifications, Off the Shelf content is the way to go.
  2. Choose based on topic
    Compliance training and management required by agencies such as the Department of Transportation (DOT) and Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) or state requirements such as California’s employer training requirements for the prevention of sexual harassment, have specific content and time requirements. In these cases, Ready to Go courses are typically the best solutions.
  3. Expertise
    Do you have the internal expertise and tools to develop content, or the budget to outsource content development? What about trained & qualified presenters? These three considerations—expertise, tools, and presenters — can significantly impact the quality, engagement, and retention of information and are significant factors in weighing a decision for which content format is best for your organization.
  4. Inclusivity
    If custom or Off the Shelf content doesn’t resonate with employee demographics, you may be setting yourself up for an epic failure. Cultural issues can, and often do, impact the effectiveness of learning programs. Materials prepared and delivered from a single-source perspective can create friction for learners, resulting in disengagement, lack of understanding, and even resentment. Pre-built, ready to go content is produced by industry specialists who have a wide range of expertise, skills, and diverse talent.
  5. Budget
    Managers often think it’s more affordable to build their own content, because they have the knowledge and staff in house. And while that may sometimes be true, it’s not always cheaper. According to the Association for Talent Development, it can take anywhere from 55 to 155 hours to develop instructor-led and eLearning program content. Can you afford to have your staff spend a month on developing a single course—and that’s without scope creep, which adds time and money to your investment.

JER HR Group and Training Network provide 2,500+ courses on a wide range of topics, including hard and soft skills training, talent development, upskilling, health and safety plus state, federal and sector-specific regulatory and certification compliance training.

  • 2,500+ courses are available in the online business library
  • Select from over 800 HR, Health & Safety courses
  • State and sector specific content available
  • Courses are updated as regulations change
  • English & Spanish language options are available & every course includes closed captioning
  • Platform bundling options are available with content
  • Digital licensing options are available, allowing use of our content with your organization’s platform
  • Review & order online or contact us for curated collections

Courses include:



Health &


Diversity, Equity
& Inclusion



Sector Specific

Sometimes you need a little bit of, well, everything.

JER HR Group provides customized hybrid training options that include:

  • Your branding applied to Ready to Go content and platforms
  • Blended training solutions, including VILT (virtual instructor-led training)
  • Onsite training for custom topics such as Workplace Culture & Team Building
  • Keynote and conference presentations, onsite and virtual
  • Curated strategies & programs to target specific workplace challenges
  • 1:1 leadership/executive coaching
  • Custom training for administrators & users of Trainery eLearning platforms
  • Integration of learning & development and training goals into ReviewCloud, our performance management system


Exploring some of the latest trends and strategies.

JER HR Group and NexaLearning jointly announce their plans for NexaLearning to join JER HR Group effective immediately. …

JER HR Group and Human Resources Plus jointly announced JER HR Group’s acquisition of Human Resources Plus, Inc. today. Human Resources Plus (HRP) is a HR consulting firm and online HR document provider …

JER HR Group LLC acquires Willis HR LLC, a HR Consulting firm. JER HR Group and Willis HR jointly announce JER HR Group’s acquisition of Willis HR in a private transaction. Willis HR is a leading HR consulting  …


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Raleigh, NC 27613

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Fayetteville, AR 72703

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West Des Moines, IA 50265

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Columbia, SC 29201